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Are you eating enough high protein vegan meals?

High protein vegan sandwich

High protein vegan meals or recipes are often hard to come by. 

I’m not sure whether this is because vegans consider protein to be an over-hyped nutrient. Or because they believe that as long as a vegan diet provides enough calories, it will automatically also provide enough protein.  

Regardless of the cause, the result remains the same. Despite it being an important nutrient, plant protein is one I often seek lacking in vegan recipes. 

So in this article, I thought I’d discuss why high protein vegan meals are worth the effort and share some the tips I personally use to boost the plant protein content of my family’s vegan meals. 

Image by Einladung_zum_Essen

Why are high protein vegan meals so important?

Protein plays many important roles in the body. 

For starters, it’s a structural component of all cells, which means that your body requires it to function properly. Protein is also essential for processes such as building muscle, growing strong hair and nails, and maintaining the integrity of your skin. 

You also need to get enough protein from your diet in order to make hormones, enzymes and DNA, as well as to transport important compounds such as iron all throughout your body (1).

Low protein diets, such as the 80/10/10 diet, may theoretically be sufficient to meet your basic biological protein needs. However, there are several advantages to eating more than the minimum daily amount of protein your bodies requires. 

For instance, protein can help reduce hunger, guard against cravings, and enhance bone health. A little extra protein is also helpful when wanting to build muscle, or preserve it during a period of weight loss. 

Moreover, high protein vegan meals are especially important during periods of illness, accelerated growth, or during life stages such as pregnancy (1).

All these reasons make including enough high protein vegan meals in your diet especially important, and definitely worth the effort.

IN SUM – Protein is involved in many essential bodily processes. A protein-rich vegan diet helps you feel satiated, builds or preserves muscle, and provides support during periods of illness or growth. 

Image by Natureconcept

How much protein do I need on a plant-based diet?

The amount of protein you need tends to vary based on factors such as your weight, physical activity level, training goals, or life stage.

That said, current recommendations suggest that most vegans would benefit from eating around 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1 g/kg) each day (1).

This is slightly more than the typical 0.4 grams per pound (0.8 g/kg) recommended to non-vegans (1).

In pregnant women, this translates to a daily protein requirement of 0.6 grams per pound (1.4 g/kg) per day instead of the typical 0.5 grams per pound (1.1 g/ kg) recommended to non-vegan pregnant women.

Image by Free-Photos

Do vegans actually need to eat more protein?

Plant proteins tend to be more difficult for the body to absorb than protein from animal-based foods. This is the main reason why vegetarians and vegans are often advised to eat slightly more protein than meat-eaters (2).

However, based on the current research, it can be argued that the difference in protein absorption between meat- and plant-based eaters is likely too small to warrant the increased protein recommendations (3).

In other words, it’s possible that vegans may not truly require more protein than non-meat eaters.

However, it may be worth erring on the side of caution and aiming for the more conservative estimates whenever possible. 

A registered dietitian can help you figure out your specific individual needs, as well which foods to eat to meet them. However, these ball-park figures are a good starting point. 

IN SUM – Vegans may need slightly more protein than meat-eaters, but more research is needed to confirm this. For now, aim to get around 0.5 grams of plant protein per pound of body weight (1 g/kg) per day.

Image by Ulleo

Are plant proteins incomplete?

Protein is made up of amino acids; which can be split up into three categories (4):

All foods, plant-based or not, contain all 9 essential amino acids. That said, animal food contain equally good amounts of all essential amino acids while plant foods tend to be low in at least one or two essential amino acids.

For example, vegetables and legumes tend to be low in methionine and cysteine, whereas grains, nuts and seeds tend to offer low amounts of lysine. This is why some people refer to plant-based foods as “incomplete” sources of protein (5).

This isn’t a problem per-se. As long as your diet contains a good variety of plant foods, you’re likely to meet your essential amino acids needs throughout the day. 

However, it does require some planning to ensure you eat a sufficient amount and variety of high protein vegan foods on a daily basis. 

IN SUM – It’s absolutely possible to get enough protein on a vegan diet, even during periods of increased needs. However, this does require knowledge and proper planning.  

Image by Marijana1

How do I get more plant based protein in my diet?

Meeting your daily protein needs is largely a matter of planning. The first step I’d recommend is to ensure you’re including at least one proteinrich plant food to each meal and snack. 

What are the richest sources of plant protein?

Here are some examples of high protein vegan foods worth including into your diet. 

The first set of foods provides around 9-20 grams of plant protein per serving (6):

This second list of foods are slightly lower in protein, but can still be helpful to slightly boost the protein content of your meals. They typically provide between 3-8 grams of protein per serving (6):

You can double-check whether you’re meeting your daily needs by using a free online diet journal. My personal favorite is Cronometer.com, for the sheer amount of detailed nutrient information it provides. 

If you need specific guidance or help meeting your increased protein needs during pregnancy, check out the vegan pregnancy diet mini-course. Also, feel free to reach out in the comments below with any additional questions!

IN SUM – To ensure you’re getting enough protein on a plant-based diet, try including at least one high-protein plant food to each of your meals and snacks.

How can I add more protein to my breakfast, lunch or dinner?

It can be challenging to come up with easy and tasty ways to add more plant protein to your meals. Below, you’ll find a few of my favorite high-protein vegan meal and snack ideas to get your inspiration flowing!

High protein vegan meal ideas for breakfast

High protein vegan meal ideas for lunch

High protein vegan meal ideas for dinner

IN SUM – The high protein vegan meals above should provide you with some ideas on how to boost the protein content of your own plant-based recipes. 

Image by Monfocus

How can I add more protein to my snacks?

High protein vegan snacks can be just as difficult to come by as high protein vegan meals. Here are a few of my family’s favorites for inspiration. 

IN SUM – The protein-rich vegan snack ideas above can help you meet your total protein requirements on a plant-based diet.  

Image by Chait Goli

Should I be taking vegan protein powders or other supplements?

Protein powders can be an easy way to add extra protein to your meals and snacks. They’re particularly helpful if you are unable to meet your daily protein needs through foods alone.

However, protein powders are generally considered inferior, because they often lack the vitamins, minerals or other beneficial plant compounds found in whole foods.

Moreover, supplements are poorly regulated and vegan protein powders are no exception. This means that they may not contain what’s listed on the label, or may become contaminated with harmful compounds such as lead (7, 8, 9).

You can minimize these risks by opting for brands that get their products tested by independent labs. These can confirm whether the product truly contains what’s listed on the label, and whether it is free from other contaminants.

Some examples of such labs include Consumerlab, NSF international, and US Pharmacopeia.

However, favoring a foods-first approach to meeting your protein needs, whenever possible, remains best. 

IN SUM – Protein powders contain fewer nutrients and beneficial compounds than whole foods and may also become contaminated with harmful compounds. So favor whole foods over protein powders whenever possible.

Image by Veggies & More

Are vegan mock meats healthy?

Like protein powders, vegan mock meats can be a helpful way to get a little extra protein in your diet. They’re especially handy for people who struggle to get enough protein from minimally-processed, protein-rich foods alone. 

That said, most mock meats are heavily processed, which renders their nutrient profile typically inferior to their whole food counterparts. 

For example, soy-based vegan minced meats or burger replacements are often made using soy protein isolate, which is  an isolated protein-rich component of soy. 

Although rich in protein, soy protein isolate lacks many of the other vitamins, minerals or beneficial compounds found in whole soybeans. 

Therefore, relying on it as your main source of protein too frequently may result in a diet that’s rich enough in protein, but that fails to meet your vitamin and mineral needs. 

Moreover, many vegan meat replacements also tend to contain considerable amounts of added fats, sugars or salt, which are best minimized.  

That’s why a burger made with whole soybeans or, one made from minimally processed soy-based foods such as tofu or tempeh, would be a better alternative. 

IN SUM – Relying on mock meats as your main source of protein may reduce the overall quality of your vegan diet. 

Image by SnapwireSnaps

To sum it all up

Making sure that your plant-based meals contain sufficient amounts of protein is essential for your health and overall well being. 

The majority of vegans likely benefit from eating around 0.5 grams of plant protein per pound of body weight (1 g/kg) each day. Keep in mind that this daily requirement will likely increase during periods of pregnancy, illness or growth. 

The high protein vegan meals and snacks mentioned above should provide you with some inspiration as to how to boost the protein content of your plant-based diet.

    Above is a printable list of the 21 plant foods richest in protein. Do you want to print it and hang it on your fridge? Or share it with your vegan neighbour? Simply enter your details to get your free copy!

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