Vegan Baby Probiotics. Are They Worth It or a Waste of Money?
Someone recently asked me for my professional opinion on vegan baby probiotics.
Probiotics are thought to offer health benefits such as a stronger immune system, improved digestion, and a more robust resistance to allergies. Probiotics are even touted to help fight colic in babies.
Many adults take probiotics, so it’s only natural to wonder whether their baby may also benefit from taking them. But do probiotics offer the same benefits to babies? And are they actually safe for them?
[Read more…] about Vegan Baby Probiotics. Are They Worth It or a Waste of Money?My Toddler Won’t Eat! Now What?
My toddler won’t eat. It’s stressing me out! What can I do about it?
Today, I’m answering a question from a dear friend of mine.
She, like many parents I know, fears that her son is eating too little to grow optimally. She finds mealtimes stressful and is tired of constantly worrying about whether or not he’ll eat.
[Read more…] about My Toddler Won’t Eat! Now What?Vegan Carrot Cake Recipe: Baking Without Added Sugars
Vegan carrot cake is a family-favorite in my household. So, when my daughter’s first birthday rolled around, it was almost a given that I’d try to bake her a sugar-free variant.
The problem was that, at the time, I couldn’t find any good sugar-free cake recipe online.
I found several vegan carrot cake recipes advertised as being “sugar-free” or “without added-sugars.” Yet, upon reading the recipe, I’d inevitably find out that they simply used maple syrup, coconut sugar, or raw sugar instead of white sugar.
[Read more…] about Vegan Carrot Cake Recipe: Baking Without Added SugarsVegan Supplements for Kids: A Dietitian’s Guide
Today, I’d like to answer a question about vegan supplements for kids. It was sent to me by a plant-based family a few weeks ago.
[Read more…] about Vegan Supplements for Kids: A Dietitian’s GuideDo I need to supplement my kids’ plant-based diets with extra vitamins?
Are you eating enough high protein vegan meals?
High protein vegan meals or recipes are often hard to come by.
I’m not sure whether this is because vegans consider protein to be an over-hyped nutrient. Or because they believe that as long as a vegan diet provides enough calories, it will automatically also provide enough protein.
Regardless of the cause, the result remains the same. Despite it being an important nutrient, plant protein is one I often seek lacking in vegan recipes.
[Read more…] about Are you eating enough high protein vegan meals?