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10 Dairy Free Baby Formula Options for Plant-Based Families

“There are currently no dairy free baby formula options available to vegan parents.” 

Believe it or not, this is one of the statements I heard at a nutrition conference I attended last week. 

It was during a session discussing vegan nutrition for babies and children. I’m not sure where the speaker sourced his information, but I’m happy to report that he is absolutely wrong. 

In fact, as of the date of publication of this article, there are several alternatives to cow’s milk-based infant formula available on the market that vegan families can choose from. 

In this article, I’ll highlight 10 dairy free baby formula options currently available on the market. These plant-based baby formula options are not only interesting for vegan babies, but may also be potentially so to non-vegan babies as well. 

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How do I know if my baby needs dairy free formula?

There are several groups of parents that may wish to opt for a plant-based formula instead of one that’s derived from cow’s milk. 

Infant formula for vegan babies

Vegan parents that cannot or choose not to breastfeed are one category of parents that opt for a dairy free baby formula. 

Most dairy free formulas currently on the market aren’t 100% vegan. That’s due to the vitamin D being sourced from animals.

However, unlike a few years ago, there are currently a few fully vegan baby formula options available for vegan families. I’ll discuss them further below.

Infant formula for babies with a cow’s milk allergy or sensitivity

Vegan parents aren’t the only ones opting for a plant-based infant formula. 

A small percentage of babies – vegan or not – do not tolerate cow’s milk. This is typically caused by an allergy or sensitivity to cow’s milk (1).

Symptoms of a cow’s milk allergy or sensitivity can include any combination of the following (1):

Parents with babies that have a cow’s milk allergy or sensitivity are encouraged to remove cow milk from the baby’s diet. 

In sum: Dairy free baby formulas are a great option for vegan babies, or babies that have an allergy or sensitivity to cow’s milk.

What to feed a baby with a dairy allergy or dairy sensitivity?

Studies show that the rate of cow milk allergy in breastfed babies is lower than formula-fed infants (±0.5% vs. 2-3%). For this reason, if you have a baby that is at high risk of developing an allergy to cow’s milk, you will be encouraged to breastfeed your baby if at all possible (1).

Keep in mind that protein found in cow’s milk can pass through breastmilk. Therefore, you should try to eliminate all foods containing cow’s milk protein from your diet as well.

If you cannot or choose not to breastfeed, a hypoallergenic formula may be a good option for you. This category includes hydrolyzed infant formula, amino-acid based formula, lactose-free formula or a plant-based formula. 

Hydrolyzed baby formula

Hydrolyzed baby formula contains protein sourced either from cow’s milk or plant-sources, that have been broken down so they can be more easily digested (2).

Babies who react to complete proteins in cow’s milk often do not react to them when they are broken down in this way. 

Amino acid formula

Amino acid formulas are a more broken-down version of hydrolyzed baby formula. They use amino acids – the building blocks of protein – as their protein source. Like hydrolyzed formula, they can be expensive and have an unpleasant taste (3).

Lactose free baby formula

Lactose free baby formulas are refined to break down lactose, the sugar naturally found in cow’s milk, into a different form of sugar that can be more easily absorbed. 

Plant-based baby formula

Plant-based formulas are yet another option. These can be made from soy, rice, or other plant-based foods, and contain either whole, or broken down protein. 

Keep in mind that around half of babies that react to cow’s milk protein may develop an intolerance to soy protein. 

If this is the case, consider switching from a soy-based infant formula to a soy-free plant-based formula or to a hypoallergenic soy- or rice-based formula, like Prémiriz or Bébé M mentioned above.

In sum: If your baby has an allergy or sensitivity to cow’s milk, they would benefit from drinking either breastmilk, or a hydrolyzed, amino acid, lactose-free or plant-based formula.

Is dairy-free formula safe for babies? 

All infant formulas available on the market must, by law, be nutritionally complete. They must also all comply to the same strict standards. 

These standards specify the type and amount of nutrients that need to be present in the formula’s composition and the final nutrient content needed in order to be approved for sale (4, 5).

This ensures that all baby formulas are equally able to meet the nutrition needs of the average baby, regardless of whether they contain dairy or not.

In sum: All baby formulas undergo the same thorough regulatory process. This ensures that dairy free baby formula and plant-based baby formula are equally able to meet a baby’s nutrition need as formula that’s based on cow’s milk.

Why do soy-based formulas get a bad rep?

There are several reasons why soy baby formula is considered controversial.

For instance, some people are concerned about its higher aluminum, antinutrient and isoflavone content. They worry these compounds may result in reproductive and other health problems in adulthood.

However, soy baby formula has been used for many years, without any significant negative health effects.

In fact, research shows that soy formula is a safe and affordable dairy free baby formula alternative for term infants, including those with an allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk (6, 7).

Check out this article about the soy formula controversy for a more in-depth discussion about this topic, including a more in-depth dive into the current research on this topic. 

In sum: Some people are concerned about the long-term health effects of soy-based baby formula. However, research suggests no strong reason to be concerned.

10 dairy-free baby formula brands to check out

Here’s a collection of the dairy-free baby formulas currently available on the market at the time of publishing this article.

I’ve included brands that are currently out of stock, just in case they do become re-stocked at a later point in time. 

I’ve categorized them based on where they are the most easily available. However, most can be ordered online and shipped directly to your residence, regardless of where you live.

I’ve also included an approximate price per 100 grams based on prices currently available in my region so you can get a quick idea of which may best fit your budget.


1. Bebe M rice anti-reflux baby and toddler formula (vegan)

Bebe M is French baby formula prepared using hydrolyzed rice. It’s organic, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, lactose-free and GMO-free. It meets the nutritional needs of infants 0-6 months, 6-10 months, and 10+ months. Approximately €8.30 per 100 grams.



2. Premiz baby and toddler formula (vegan)

Prémiriz is French baby formula prepared using hydrolyzed rice. It’s organic, vegan, dairy-free, GMO-free, and soy-free. It’s suitable for babies 0-6 months, 6-12 months and 12+ months. Approximately €6.59 per 100 grams.



3. Novalac allergy 

Formerly known as Novarice. Specialty rice-based infant formula designed for babies with cow’s milk allergy, lactose intolerance, or unable to tolerate cow’s milk formula. Suitable for 0-12 months. Approximately €4.99 per 100 grams.



North America

4. Neocate Syneo

This hypoallergenic infant formula is produced by Nutricia, which falls under the French company Danone. This amino-acid based formula is designed for babies with cow milk allergy, multiple food allergies, and related gut or allergic conditions.

It’s certified halal and kosher pareve and contains a blend of prebiotics and probiotics to support gut health. Suitable for babies 0-12 months. Approximately €8.30 per 100 grams.



5. ProSobee plant-based infant formula (vegan)

This soy-based baby formula is produced by Enfamil, which is a subsidiary of Mead Johnson. It’s available in powder, liquid, or concentrated forms. Suitable for infants 0-12 months. Kosher certified. Approximately €6.08 per 100 grams.



6. Good start alsoy

This soy-based baby formula is produced by Neslte. Suitable for babies of  0+ months who are avoiding cow’s milk or milk products. Certified kosher and halal. GMO-free. Approximately €4.41 per 100 grams.



7. Similac isomil

This soy-based formula is produced by Abbott Nutrition. It’s soy-based, contains no palm oil, and is free from GMOs. It contains prebiotics and probiotics. Suitable for 0+ months. Approximately €4.41 per 100 grams.



8. Earth’s best non-GMO soy-based powder baby formula

This soy-based dairy-free baby formula is suitable for infants 0-12 months. Contains no GMOs. Approximately €4.97 per 100 grams.


9. Else nutrition toddler organic (vegan)

Produced by Canadian-based Else Nutrition, which offers a range of vegan formulas for toddlers 12-36 months. Dairy-free, rice-free, soy-free. Uses ingredients like almond butter, tapioca maltodextrin and buckwheat flour.

Products are Clean Label Certified, which means they are made with > 90% organic, whole-food, plant-based ingredients.  Approximately €5.18 per 100 grams.



Rest of world

10. Sprout plant-based infant and toddler formula (vegan)

Sprout is an Australian-based brand of baby formula prepared with rice protein, rich starch, and fermented pea protein. It’s organic, vegan, dairy-free and GMO-free. Carbon-neutral business. Formulated for babies 0-12 months or 12+ months. Approximately €3.71 per 100 grams.



In sum: These 10 dairy free baby formulas are options worth considering for vegan babies, or babies that do not tolerate cow’s milk.

To sum it all up

There are many brands of dairy free baby formula currently available on the market. 

Some are soy-based, others rice-based, while some forgo soy and rice completely to use other sources of plant-based protein

Remember that all baby formulas need to meet strict requirements before they can go to market. Therefore, you can rest assured that they are all more-or-less equivalent from a nutritional perspective regardless of which plant-based baby formula you choose. 

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